
Fusion’s LifeTech Accelerator in Geneva

(startupticker.ch, July 05, 2017)

Fusion, operating Switzerland’s first Fintech startup accelerator, will open its first LifeTech Accelerator in Geneva in September 2017. It will focus on personalized medicine – specifically technologies that bring innovations in the areas of digital health, IOT, wearables, personal data analysis and management, biometrics, machine learning, genomics and nanotech. La Mobiliere will join as first founding partner, with support from the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) as academic partner, and digitalswitzerland, as ecosystem enabler. With the launch of the new LifeTech accelerator, Fusion is moving strongly towards its goal of becoming a global platform that supercharges innovation. International and Swiss startups with a strong product and early customers (B2B, B2B2C & B2C) within LifeTech were able to apply for it.

Original Article on http://www.startupticker.ch

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