
Autonomous Bus at the Rhine Falls

(20 Minuten, July 04, 2017)

Currently still being tested on the company's testing area, Trapeze's driverless bus is planned to bring up to eleven tourists from the town center of Neuhausen to the Rhine Falls. The bus is driving autonomously controlled by a computer, and automatically stops when approaching an obstacle. Technology allows it to react faster than a human. The company is working together with the public transport operators from the cantons of Zurich and Schaffhausen. Zurich's director Guido Schoch says they are evaluating how and where such a pilotless bus would be applicable in the city of Zurich. In the South-eastern city of Sitten, a similar small selfdriving bus has been connecting the train station and the city center for more than a year already. Sitten's offer is famous and attracted 21,500 passengers already. However, in Sitten and also at the Rhine Falls, the selfdriving buses in these pilot projects still have to be accompanied by an attendant.

Original Article on http://www.20min.ch

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