
How Healthy Cells Stimulate the Migration of Tumor Cells

(University of Geneva, June 15, 2017)

Estrogens act as a driving force of both healthy and cancerous mammary cell growth by binding to receptors that include a type named GPER – usually located in cell membranes. Recent studies have revealed the unusual presence of this receptor in the nuclei of fibroblasts – cells of the connective tissue – surrounding mammary tumor cells. Researchers at the University of Geneva have discovered that this is another version of GPER, a nuclear variant of this receptor, with different properties. The fibroblasts carrying this variant promote the migration of neighboring malignant cells, thus participating in the process of tumor metastasis. The genetic variant of GPER could therefore predispose to breast cancer. These findings, which may lead to a novel therapeutic strategy, are published in Oncotarget.

Original Article on https://www.unige.ch

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