
Digitalization: Strengthening Education and Research

(admin.ch - The portal of the Swiss government, July 05, 2017)

The Swiss Federal Council approved an action plan to strengthen education and research in the course of digitalization. In the education field, the MINT subjects should be promoted, the vocational training should be made more flexible in order to be able to adapt it to new developments, and continuing education should help preparing employees for the demands in the digital age. In research, interdisciplinary national research programs on "Digital Transformations in Economy and Society" are going to be launched. Informatics and Computer Science as basic sciences should be promoted crossdisciplinarily, and new professorships should be created. In order to prepare the industry, impulse programs and a national association of technology transfer centers for production technologies will be established. The Federal Council will approve the exact budget, considering other expenses, in the fall 2017.

Original Article on https://www.wbf.admin.ch

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