
Swiss Masterplan for the Promotion of Biomedical Research

(admin.ch - The portal of the Swiss government, June 21, 2017)

The Masterplan for the Promotion of Biomedical Research was launched by the Federal Council with the aim of boosting Switzerland as a center of research and technology, and assuring the population affordable access to new products developed in biomedicine. The masterplan is being implemented in close collaboration with partners in research, industry and healthcare. The masterplan comprises 23 measures covering education/training and continuing education, the framework for research involving humans, health data, rare (orphan) diseases, market access and reimbursement. Some of these measures have already been implemented, and major progress has been made on others. The current areas of focus include young research talent, promoting research, medical device safety and the security of drug supply.

Original Article on https://www.admin.ch

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